Source code for champ.plot_domains

import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.patches as patch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_mutual_info_score,normalized_mutual_info_score
from .champ_functions import create_halfspaces_from_array
from future.utils import iteritems,iterkeys
from future.utils import lmap
import seaborn as sbn

[docs]def plot_line_coefficients(coef_array,ax=None,colors=None): ''' Plot an array of coefficients (lines) in 2D plane. Each line is drawn from \ y-intercept to x-intercept. :param coef_array: :math:`N\\times 2` array of coefficients representing lines. :type coef_array: np.array :param ax: optional matplotlib ax to draw the figure on. :type ax: matplotlib.Axes :param colors: optional list of colors (or single color) to draw lines :type colors: [list,string] :return: matplotlib ax on which the plot is draw ''' halfspaces=create_halfspaces_from_array(coef_array) ax=plot_line_halfspaces(halfspaces,ax=ax,colors=colors) return ax
def plot_line_halfspaces(halfspaces, ax=None, colors=None, labels=None): ''' Plot a list of halfspaces (lines) in 2D plane. Each line is drawn from y-intercept to x-intercept. :param halfspaces: list of halfspaces :param ax: optional matplotlib ax to draw the figure on :param cols: optional list of colors (or single color) to draw lines :param labels: Include labels of axes. Either True or tuple of strings :type labels:bool,(xlabel,ylabel) :return: matplotlib ax on which the plot is draw ''' if ax is None: f = plt.figure() ax = f.add_subplot(111) if colors is None: cnorm = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=len(halfspaces)) cmap = cm.get_cmap("Set1") pal = lmap(lambda i: cmap(cnorm(i)), range(len(halfspaces))) normals, offsets = np.split(halfspaces, [-1], axis=1) for i, (normal, offset) in enumerate(zip(normals, offsets)): if hasattr(colors, "__iter__"): c = colors[i % len(colors)] # must match length else: c = pal[i] if colors is None else colors A = -1.0 * offset / normal[0] B = -1.0 * offset / normal[1] ax.plot([0, A], [B, 0], color=c) if labels is not None: if labels is True: ax.set_ylabel("Modularity") ax.set_xlabel("resolution") else: ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(labels[1]) return ax
[docs]def plot_2d_domains(ind_2_domains, ax=None, col=None, close=False, widths=None, label=False): ''' :param ind_2_domains: :param ax: :param col: :param close: :param widths: :param label: :return: ''' if ax==None: f=plt.figure() ax=f.add_subplot(111) if widths==None: #we use different line widths for distinguishablity widths = np.random.sample(len(ind_2_domains))*3 + 1 if col==None: cnorm=mcolors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=len(ind_2_domains)) cmap=cm.get_cmap("Set1") colors=lmap(lambda i: cmap(cnorm(i)),range(len(ind_2_domains))) i=0 for i,ind_pts in enumerate(iteritems(ind_2_domains)): ind,pts=ind_pts if hasattr(col,"__iter__" ): assert len(col) == len(ind_2_domains) c=col[i] #must match length else: c=colors[i] if col==None else col polypts=[(pt[0],pt[1]) for pt in pts] polypts+=[(pts[0][0],pts[0][1])] polycodes=[Path.MOVETO]+[Path.LINETO] *(len(polypts)-2) +[Path.CLOSEPOLY] polypath=Path(polypts,polycodes) polypatch = patch.PathPatch(polypath, facecolor=c, lw=2,alpha=.75) ax.add_patch(polypatch) xcrds=[x[0] for x in pts ] ycrds =[x[1] for x in pts ] ax.scatter(xcrds, ycrds, marker='x', c=c) # for i,x in enumerate(xcrds): # jitter=np.random.uniform(-1,1)/10 # ax.text(x+jitter,ycrds[i]+jitter,i) i+=1 return ax
[docs]def plot_single_layer_modularity_domains(ind_2_domains, ax=None, colors=None, labels=None): ''' Plot the piece-wise linear curve for CHAMP of single layer partitions :param ind_2_domains: dictionary mapping partition index to domain of dominance :type ind_2_domains: { ind: [ np.array(gam_0x, gam_0y), np.array(gam_1x, gam_1y) ] ,...} :param ax: Matplotlib Axes object to draw the graph on :param colors: Either a single color or list of colors with same length as number of domains :return: ax Reference to the ax on which plot is drawn. ''' if ax==None: f=plt.figure() ax=f.add_subplot(111) if colors==None: cnorm=mcolors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=len(ind_2_domains)) cmap=cm.get_cmap("Set1") pal=lmap(lambda i : cmap(cnorm(i)),range(len(ind_2_domains))) i=0 for i,ind_pts in enumerate(iteritems(ind_2_domains)): ind, pts = ind_pts if hasattr(colors, "__iter__"): assert len(colors) == len(ind_2_domains) c=colors[i] #must match length else: c=pal[i] if colors == None else colors coords=lmap(list,zip(*pts)) ax.scatter(coords[0],coords[1],color=c,marker='x') ax.plot(coords[0],coords[1],color=c,lw=2,alpha=.75) if labels is not None: if labels is True: ax.set_ylabel("modularity") ax.set_xlabel("resolution") else: ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(labels[1]) return ax
[docs]def plot_similarity_heatmap_single_layer(partitions, index_2_domain, partitions_other=None,index_2_dom_other=None, sim_mat=None,ax=None, cmap=None, title=None): ''' :param partitions: :type partitions: :param index_2_domain: :type index_2_domain: :param sim_mat: :type sim_mat: :param ax: Axes to draw the figure on. New figure created if not supplied. :type ax: Matplotlib.Axes :param cmap: Color mapping. Default is plasma :type cmap: Matplotlib.colors.Colormap :param title: True if add generic title, or string of title to add :type title: boolean or string :return: axis drawn on , computed similarity matrix :rtype: matplolib.Axes,np.array ''' if cmap is None: cmap = 'PuBu' if ax is None: f=plt.figure() ax=f.add_subplot(111) ind_vals=list(zip(index_2_domain.keys(),[val[0][0] for val in index_2_domain.values()])) ind_vals.sort(key=lambda x:x[1]) # Take the x coordinate of first point in each domain gamma_transitions = [val for ind, val in ind_vals] gamma_transitions.append(index_2_domain[ind_vals[-1][0]][-1][0]) # Append last point of last partition #if there isn't a partition set to compare to the default is to compare to self. if not( index_2_dom_other is None or partitions_other is None): ind_vals2 = zip(index_2_dom_other.keys(), [val[0][0] for val in index_2_dom_other.values()]) ind_vals2.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) gamma_transitions2 = [val for ind, val in ind_vals2] gamma_transitions2.append(index_2_dom_other[ind_vals2[-1][0]][-1][0]) else: ind_vals2 = ind_vals gamma_transitions2=gamma_transitions partitions_other=partitions # G2S, G1S = np.meshgrid(gamma_transitions2, gamma_transitions) G1S, G2S = np.meshgrid(gamma_transitions2, gamma_transitions) if sim_mat is None: AMI_mat = np.zeros((len(ind_vals), len(ind_vals2))) for i in range(len(ind_vals)): for j in range(len(ind_vals2)): partition1=partitions[ind_vals[i][0]] partition2=partitions_other[ind_vals2[j][0]] AMI_mat[i][j] = adjusted_mutual_info_score(partition1, partition2) # AMI_mat[j][i] = AMI_mat[i][j] #symmetric else: AMI_mat = sim_mat # pal = sbn.cubehelix_palette(start=2, rot=.3, dark=0, light=.95, reverse=True, as_cmap=True) pmap = ax.pcolor(G1S, G2S, AMI_mat, cmap=cmap) ax.set_xlabel("resolution") ax.set_ylabel("resolution") for gm in gamma_transitions: ax.axhline(gm, color='k', linestyle='dashed') for gm in gamma_transitions2: ax.axvline(gm, color='k', linestyle='dashed') ax.set_ylim(gamma_transitions[0], max(gamma_transitions)) ax.set_xlim(gamma_transitions2[0], max(gamma_transitions2)) if not title is None: if title is True: ax.set_title('Adjusted Mutual Information between Partitions') else: ax.set_title(title) plt.colorbar(pmap, ax=ax) return ax, AMI_mat
def _get_partition_matrix(partition, layer_vec): # assumes partiton in same ordering for each layer vals = np.unique(layer_vec) nodeperlayer = len(layer_vec) // len(vals) #integerdevision com_matrix = np.zeros((nodeperlayer, len(vals))) for i, val in enumerate(vals): cind = np.where(layer_vec == val)[0] ccoms = partition[cind] com_matrix[:, i] = ccoms return com_matrix def plot_multiplex_community(partition, layer_vec, ax=None, cmap=None): """ This is for visualizing community of mutliplex """ part_mat = _get_partition_matrix(partition, layer_vec) layers=np.unique(layer_vec) if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() if cmap is None: cmap = sbn.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True) ax.grid('off') ax.pcolormesh(part_mat, cmap=cmap) ax.set_xticks(range(0, len(layers))) ax.set_xticklabels(layers) return ax