

CHAMP (Convex Hull of Admissible Modularity Partitions) is an algorithm to find the subset of an ensembles of network partitions that are optimal in terms of modularity. Thus CHAMP is not a community detection algorithm per say but a method to assist in interpretation of a collection of partitions produced by ones favorite third party detection method ( e.g Louvain, SBM, Infomap etc. ). Instead CHAMP identifies the partitions that have a non-empty range of the resolution parameter, \(\gamma\) over which their modularity is larger than any other partition in the input ensemble. This is done by reformulating the problem in terms of finding the convex hull of a set of linear subspaces and solved using the pyhull implementation of the quickhull [1] algorithm.

CHAMP can greatly reduce the number of partitions considerable for future analyses by eliminating all partitions that are suboptimal across a given range of the resolution space. The CHAMP package also allows for visualization of the domains using the matplotlib library. Finally, the CHAMP package also includes a wrapper function for a python implementation of Louvain louvain_igraph in parallel over a range of resolutions.

For more details and results see our manuscript


Each partition is represented by a line in \((\gamma,Q)\) domain. CHAMP find the lines that form the outer most surface.

In CHAMP, partitions are compared on the basis of modularity:

\(Q(\gamma)=\frac{1}{2m}\sum_{i,j}{\left( A_{ij}-\gamma \frac{k_ik_j}{2m}\right)\delta(c_i,c_j)}\,,\)

Each partition is represented by a line in the \((\gamma,Q)\) space that is parameterized by two values:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array} \hat{A}=\sum{A_{ij}\delta(c_i,c_j)} &\textit{Sum of edges internal to communities}\\ \hat{P}=\sum{P_{ij}\delta(c_i,c_j)} &\textit{Expected number of edges internal to communities under random null model} \end{array}\end{split}\]

SingleLayer_CHAMP depicts graphically the concept behind CHAMP. Most of the lines lie close to but below the outer curve. CHAMP identifies which partitions are part of the outer envelope of \(Q(\gamma)\) and over which ranges of the resolution parameter, \(\gamma\) they are dominant.

Multilayer CHAMP

One of the strengths of modularity is that it has been extended in a principled way into a variety of network topologies in particular the multilayer context. The multilayer formulation [2] for modularity incorporates the interlayer connectivity of the network in the form of a second adjacency matrix \(C_{ij}\)

\begin{equation} Q(\gamma)=\frac{1}{2m}\sum_{i,j}{\left( A_{ij}-\gamma \frac{k_ik_j}{2m} \ +\omega C_{ij}\right)\delta(c_i,c_j)} \end{equation}

Communities in this context group nodes within the layers and across the layers. The inclusion of the \(C_ij\) boost the modularity for communites that include alot interlayer links. There is an additional parameter, \(\omega\) that tunes how much weight these interlink ties contribute to the modularity. With the additional parameter, each partitions can be represented in the \((\gamma,\omega,Q)\) space by three coefficients. The two in equation single layer coefficients and :

\[\begin{split}\begin{array} \hat{C}=\sum{C_{ij}\delta(c_i,c_j)} &\textit{Sum of interlayer edges internal to communities}\\ \end{array}\end{split}\]
../_images/3dplanes_example.jpg ../_images/dom_weighted_nmi_senate.png

In the multilayer case, we look for the planes that define the intersection of the area above all of the planes as depicted in 3D Planes. These domains are now 2D polygons in the \((\gamma,\omega)\) space as shown in Domains.


[1]C. Bradford Barber, David P. Dobkin, and Hannu Huhdanpaa. The Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls. ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 22(4):469483, Dec 1996. doi:10.1145/235815.235821.
[2]P J Mucha, T Richardson, K Macon, and M A Porter. Community structure in time-dependent, multiscale, and multiplex networks. Science, May 2010.