Source code for champ.louvain_ext

#Py 2/3 Compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division # use // to specify int div.

from .champ_functions import get_expected_edges
from .champ_functions import get_expected_edges_ml
from .champ_functions import get_sum_internal_edges
from .PartitionEnsemble import PartitionEnsemble

import sys, os
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from multiprocessing import Pool,cpu_count
import itertools
import igraph as ig
import louvain
import numpy as np
import tqdm
from time import time
import warnings
import logging
#logging.basicConfig(format=':%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.basicConfig(format=':%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

iswin = == 'nt'
is_py3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)

	import cpickle as pickle
except ImportError:
	import pickle as pickle

def terminating(obj):
	Context manager to handle appropriate shutdown of processes
	:param obj: obj to open
		yield obj

Extension of Traag's implementation of louvain in python to use multiprocessing \
and allow for randomization.  Defines PartitionEnsemble a class for storage of \
partitions and coefficients as well as dominant domains.


def rev_perm(perm):
	Calculate the reverse of a permuation vector

	:param perm: permutation vector
	:type perm: list
	:return: reverse of permutation
	for i,v in enumerate(perm):
	return rperm

def permute_vector(rev_order, membership):
	Rearrange community membership vector according to permutation

	Used to realign community vector output after node permutation.

	:param rev_order: new indices of each nodes
	:param membership: community membership vector to be rearranged
	:return: rearranged membership vector.
	new_member=[-1 for i in range(len(rev_order))]

	for i,val in enumerate(rev_order):
	assert(-1 not in new_member) #Something didn't get switched

	return new_member

def permute_memvec(permutation,membership):
	outvec=np.array([-1 for _ in range(len(membership))])
	for i,val in enumerate(permutation):

	return outvec

def run_louvain_windows(graph,gamma,nruns,weight=None,node_subset=None,attribute=None,output_dictionary=False):
	Call the louvain method with igraph as input directly.  This is needed for windows system\
	because tmp files cannot be closed and reopened

	This takes as input a graph file (instead of the graph object) to avoid duplicating
	references in the context of parallelization.  To allow for flexibility, it allows for
	subsetting of the nodes each time.

	:param graph: igraph
	:param node_subset: Subeset of nodes to keep (either the indices or list of attributes)
	:param gamma: resolution parameter to run louvain
	:param nruns: number of runs to conduct
	:param weight: optional name of weight attribute for the edges if network is weighted.
	:param output_dictionary: Boolean - output a dictionary representation without attached graph.
	:return: list of partition objects


	np.random.seed() #reset seed for each process

	#Load the graph from the file
	g = graph
	#have to have a node identifier to handle permutations.
	#Found it easier to load graph from file each time than pass graph object among process
	#This means you do have to filter out shared nodes and realign graphs.
	# Can avoid for g1 by passing None

	if node_subset!=None:
		# subset is index of vertices to keep
		if attribute==None:
		# check to keep nodes with given attribute
			gdel=[ i for i,val in enumerate(g.vs[attribute]) if val not in node_subset]

		#delete from graph

	if weight is True:

	for i in range(nruns):
		rand_perm = list(np.random.permutation(g.vcount()))
		rperm = rev_perm(rand_perm)
		gr=g.permute_vertices(rand_perm) #This is just a labelling switch.  internal properties maintined.

		#In louvain > 0.6, change in the way the different methods are called.
		rp = louvain.find_partition(gr,louvain.RBConfigurationVertexPartition,weights=weight,

		#store the coefficients in return object.

		outparts.append({'partition': permute_vector(rperm, rp.membership),
						 'orig_mod': rp.quality(),

	if not output_dictionary:
		return PartitionEnsemble(graph=g,listofparts=outparts)
		return outparts
	return part_ensemble

def run_louvain(gfile,gamma,nruns,weight=None,node_subset=None,attribute=None,output_dictionary=False):
	Call the louvain method for a given graph file.

	This takes as input a graph file (instead of the graph object) to avoid duplicating
	references in the context of parallelization.  To allow for flexibility, it allows for
	subsetting of the nodes each time.

	:param gfile: igraph file.  Must be GraphMlz (todo: other extensions)
	:param node_subset: Subeset of nodes to keep (either the indices or list of attributes)
	:param gamma: resolution parameter to run louvain
	:param nruns: number of runs to conduct
	:param weight: optional name of weight attribute for the edges if network is weighted.
	:param output_dictionary: Boolean - output a dictionary representation without attached graph.
	:return: list of partition objects


	np.random.seed() #reset seed for each process

	#Load the graph from the file
	g = ig.Graph.Read_GraphMLz(gfile)
	#have to have a node identifier to handle permutations.
	#Found it easier to load graph from file each time than pass graph object among process
	#This means you do have to filter out shared nodes and realign graphs.
	# Can avoid for g1 by passing None

	if node_subset!=None:
		# subset is index of vertices to keep
		if attribute==None:
		# check to keep nodes with given attribute
			gdel=[ i for i,val in enumerate(g.vs[attribute]) if val not in node_subset]

		#delete from graph

	if weight is True:

	for i in range(nruns):
		rand_perm = list(np.random.permutation(g.vcount()))
		rperm = rev_perm(rand_perm)
		gr=g.permute_vertices(rand_perm) #This is just a labelling switch.  internal properties maintined.

		#In louvain > 0.6, change in the way the different methods are called.
		rp = louvain.find_partition(gr,louvain.RBConfigurationVertexPartition,weights=weight,

		#old way of calling
		# rp = louvain.find_partition(gr, method='RBConfiguration',weight=weight,  resolution_parameter=gamma)

		#store the coefficients in return object.

		outparts.append({'partition': permute_vector(rperm, rp.membership),
						 'orig_mod': rp.quality(),

	if not output_dictionary:
		return PartitionEnsemble(graph=g,listofparts=outparts)
		return outparts
	return part_ensemble

def _run_louvain_parallel(gfile_gamma_nruns_weight_subset_attribute):
	Parallel wrapper with single argument input for calling :meth:`louvain_ext.run_louvain`

	:param gfile_att_2_id_dict_shared_gamma_runs_weight: tuple or list of arguments to supply
	:returns: PartitionEnsemble of graph stored in gfile

	# if progress is not None:
	# 	if progress%update==0:
	# 		print("Run %d at gamma = %.3f.  Return time: %.4f" %(progress,gamma,time()-t))

	return outparts

[docs]def parallel_louvain(graph,start=0,fin=1,numruns=200,maxpt=None, numprocesses=None, attribute=None,weight=None,node_subset=None,progress=None): ''' Generates arguments for parallel function call of louvain on graph :param graph: igraph object to run Louvain on :param start: beginning of range of resolution parameter :math:`\\gamma` . Default is 0. :param fin: end of range of resolution parameter :math:`\\gamma`. Default is 1. :param numruns: number of intervals to divide resolution parameter, :math:`\\gamma` range into :param maxpt: Cutoff off resolution for domains when applying CHAMP. Default is None :type maxpt: int :param numprocesses: the number of processes to spawn. Default is number of CPUs. :param weight: If True will use 'weight' attribute of edges in runnning Louvain and calculating modularity. :param node_subset: Optionally list of indices or attributes of nodes to keep while partitioning :param attribute: Which attribute to filter on if node_subset is supplied. If None, node subset is assumed \ to be node indices. :param progress: Print progress in parallel execution every `n` iterations. :return: PartitionEnsemble of all partitions identified. ''' if iswin: #on a windows system warnings.warn("Parallel Louvain function is not available of windows system. Running in serial", UserWarning) for i,gam in enumerate(np.linspace(start,fin,numruns)): cpart_ens=run_louvain_windows(graph=graph,nruns=1,gamma=gam,node_subset=node_subset, attribute=attribute,weight=weight) if i==0: outpart_ens=cpart_ens else: outpart_ens=outpart_ens.merge_ensemble(cpart_ens,new=False) #merge current run with new return outpart_ens parallel_args=[] if numprocesses is None: numprocesses=cpu_count() if weight is True: weight='weight' tempf=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb') #filter before calling parallel if node_subset != None: # subset is index of vertices to keep if attribute == None: gdel = node_subset # check to keep nodes with given attribute else: gdel = [i for i, val in enumerate(graph.vs[attribute]) if val not in node_subset] # delete from graph graph.delete_vertices(gdel) graph.write_graphmlz(graphfile) for i in range(numruns): curg = start + ((fin - start) / (1.0 * numruns)) * i parallel_args.append((graphfile, curg, 1, weight, None, None)) parts_list_of_list=[] # use a context manager so pools properly shut down with terminating(Pool(processes=numprocesses)) as pool: if progress: tot = len(parallel_args) with tqdm.tqdm(total=tot) as pbar: # parts_list_of_list=pool.imap(_parallel_run_louvain_multimodularity,args) for i, res in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(pool.imap(_run_louvain_parallel, parallel_args)), miniters=tot): # if i % 100==0: pbar.update() parts_list_of_list.append(res) else:, parallel_args ) #for debugging # parts_list_of_list=list(map(_run_louvain_parallel,parallel_args)) all_part_dicts=[pt for partrun in parts_list_of_list for pt in partrun] tempf.close() outensemble=PartitionEnsemble(graph,listofparts=all_part_dicts,maxpt=maxpt) return outensemble
#### MULTI-LAYER Louvain static methods #MUTLILAYER GRAPH CREATION def _create_interslice(interlayer_edges, layer_vec, directed=False): """ """ weights=[] layers = np.unique(layer_vec) layer_edges = set() for e in interlayer_edges: ei,ej=e[0],e[1] lay_i = layer_vec[ei] lay_j = layer_vec[ej] if len(e)>2: weights.append(e[2]) assert lay_i != lay_j #these shoudl be interlayer edges if lay_i < lay_j: layer_edges.add((lay_i, lay_j)) else: layer_edges.add((lay_j, lay_i)) slice_couplings = ig.Graph(n=len(layers), edges=list(layer_edges), directed=directed) if len(weights) == 0: weights=1['weight']=weights return slice_couplings def _create_multilayer_igraphs_from_super_adj_igraph(intralayer_igraph,layer_vec): """ For falling back on the normal louvain method. We use the single layer intralayer_igraph to\ create igraph representations for each of the layers. :param intralayer_igraph: igraph.Graph super_adjacency representation :param layer_vec: indicator of which layer each node is in. :return: """ adj=np.array(intralayer_igraph.get_adjacency().data) layer_vals = np.unique(layer_vec) layers=[] # We calculate the induced subgraph for each layer by identifying all of the edges # in that layer and creating a new igraph object for each (without deleting vertices) for layer in layer_vals: # cinds=np.where(layer_vec==layer)[0] cedges=set() for v in cinds: cedges.update(intralayer_igraph.incident(v)) cedges=list(cedges) cgraph=intralayer_igraph.subgraph_edges(edges=cedges,delete_vertices=False) layers.append(cgraph) return layers def _create_all_layers_single_igraph(intralayer_edges, layer_vec, directed=False): """ """ #create a single igraph layers, cnts = np.unique(layer_vec, return_counts=True) layer_elists = [] layer_weights=[ ] # we divide up the edges by layer for e in intralayer_edges: ei,ej=e[0],e[1] if not directed: #switch order to preserve uniqness if ei>ej: ei,ej=e[1],e[0] layer_elists.append((ei, ej)) if len(e)>2: layer_weights.append(e[2]) layer_graphs = [] cgraph = ig.Graph(n=len(layer_vec), edges=layer_elists, directed=directed) if len(layer_weights) > 0: # attempt to set the intralayer weights['weight'] = layer_weights else:['weight']=1 cgraph.vs['nid']=range(cgraph.vcount()) cgraph.vs['layer_vec']=layer_vec return cgraph # layer_graphs.append(cgraph) # return layer_graphs def _create_all_layer_igraphs_multi(intralayer_edges, layer_vec, directed=False): """ """ layers, cnts = np.unique(layer_vec, return_counts=True) layer_elists = [[] for _ in range(len(layers))] layer_weights=[[] for _ in range(len(layers))] # we divide up the edges by layer for e in intralayer_edges: ei,ej=e[0],e[1] if not directed: #switch order to preserve uniqness if ei>ej: ei,ej=e[1],e[0] # these should all be intralayer edges lay_i, lay_j = layer_vec[ei], layer_vec[ej] assert lay_i == lay_j coffset=np.sum(cnts[:lay_i])#indexing for edges must start with 0 for igraph layer_elists[lay_i].append((ei-coffset, ej-coffset)) if len(e)>2: layer_weights[lay_i].append(e[2]) layer_graphs = [] tot = 0 for i, layer_elist in enumerate(layer_elists): if not directed: layer_elist=list(set(layer_elist)) #prune out non-unique #you have adjust the elist to start with 0 for first node cnts[i] cgraph = ig.Graph(n=cnts[i], edges=layer_elist, directed=directed) assert cgraph.vcount()==cnts[i],'edges indicated more nodes within graph than the layer_vec' cgraph.vs['nid'] = range(tot , tot +cnts[i]) # each node in each layer gets a unique id if len(layer_weights[i])>0: #attempt to set the intralayer weights['weight']=layer_weights[i] tot += cnts[i] layer_graphs.append(cgraph) return layer_graphs def _label_nodes_by_identity(intralayer_graphs, interlayer_edges, layer_vec): """Go through each of the nodes and determine which ones are shared across multiple slices.\ We create an attribute on each of the graphs to indicate the shared identity \ of that node. This is done through tracking the predecessors of the node vi the interlayer\ connections """ namedict = {} backedges = {} # For each node we hash if it has any neighbors in the layers behind it. for e in interlayer_edges: ei,ej=e[0],e[1] if ei < ej: backedges[ej] = backedges.get(ej, []) + [ei] else: backedges[ei] = backedges.get(ei, []) + [ej] offset = 0 # duplicate names used for i, lay in enumerate(layer_vec): if i not in backedges: # node doesn't have a predecessor namedict[i] = i - offset else: pred = backedges[i][0] #get one of the predecessors namedict[i] = namedict[pred] # get the id of the predecessor offset += 1 for graph in intralayer_graphs: graph.vs['shared_id'] = list(map(lambda x: namedict[x], graph.vs['nid'])) assert len(set(graph.vs['shared_id']))==len(graph.vs['shared_id']), "IDs within a slice must all be unique" def create_multilayer_igraph_from_edgelist(intralayer_edges, interlayer_edges, layer_vec, inter_directed=False, intra_directed=False): """ We create an igraph representation used by the louvain package to represents multi-slice graphs. \ For this method only two graphs are created : intralayer_graph : all edges withis this graph are treated equally though the null model is adjusted \ based on each slice's degree distribution interlayer_graph: single graph that contains only interlayer connections between all nodes :param intralayer_edges: edges representing intralayer connections. Note each node should be assigned a unique\ index. :param interlayer_edges: connection across layers. :param layer_vec: indication of which layer each node is in. This important in computing the modulary modularity\ null model. :param directed: If the network is directed or not :return: intralayer_graph,interlayer_graph """ t=time() interlayer_graph = _create_all_layers_single_igraph(interlayer_edges, layer_vec=layer_vec, directed=inter_directed) # interlayer_graph=interlayer_graph[0] logging.debug("create interlayer : {:.4f}".format(time()-t)) t=time() intralayer_graph = _create_all_layers_single_igraph(intralayer_edges, layer_vec, directed=intra_directed) logging.debug("create intrallayer : {:.4f}".format(time()-t)) t=time() return intralayer_graph,interlayer_graph def call_slices_to_layers_from_edge_list(intralayer_edges, interlayer_edges, layer_vec, directed=False): """ We create an igraph representation used by the louvain package to represents multi-slice graphs. This returns \ three values: layers : list of igraphs each one representing a single slice in the network (all nodes across all layers \ are present but only the edges in that slice) interslice_layer: igraph representing interlayer connectiosn G_full : igraph with connections for both inter and intra slice connections across all nodes ( differentiated) \ by attribute. :param intralayer_edges: :param interlayer_edges: :param layer_vec: :param directed: :return: layers """ t=time() interlayer_graph = _create_interslice(interlayer_edges,layer_vec=layer_vec, directed=directed) # interlayer_graph=interlayer_graph[0] logging.debug("create interlayer : {:.4f}".format(time()-t)) t=time() intralayer_graphs = _create_all_layer_igraphs_multi(intralayer_edges, layer_vec, directed=directed) logging.debug("create intrallayer : {:.4f}".format(time()-t)) t=time() _label_nodes_by_identity(intralayer_graphs, interlayer_edges, layer_vec) logging.debug("label nodes : {:.4f}".format(time()-t)) t=time() interlayer_graph.vs['slice'] = intralayer_graphs layers, interslice_layer, G_full = louvain.slices_to_layers(interlayer_graph, vertex_id_attr='shared_id') logging.debug("louvain call : {:.4f}".format(time()-t)) t=time() return layers, interslice_layer, G_full def adjacency_to_edges(A): nnz_inds = np.nonzero(A) nnzvals = np.array(A[nnz_inds]) if len(nnzvals.shape)>1: nnzvals=nnzvals[0] #handle scipy sparse types return list(zip(nnz_inds[0], nnz_inds[1], nnzvals)) def create_multilayer_igraph_from_adjacency(A,C,layer_vec,inter_directed=False,intra_directed=False): """ Create the multilayer igraph representation necessary to call igraph-louvain \ in the multilayer context. Edge list are formed and champ_fucntions.create_multilayer_igraph_from_edgelist \ is called. Each edge list includes the weight of the edge \ as indicated in the appropriate adjacency matrix. :param A: :param C: :param layer_vec: :return: """ nnz_inds = np.nonzero(A) nnzvals = np.array(A[nnz_inds]) if len(nnzvals.shape)>1: nnzvals=nnzvals[0] #handle scipy sparse types intra_edgelist = adjacency_to_edges(A) inter_edgelist = adjacency_to_edges(C) return create_multilayer_igraph_from_edgelist(intralayer_edges=intra_edgelist, interlayer_edges=inter_edgelist, layer_vec=layer_vec,intra_directed=intra_directed, inter_directed=inter_directed) # def _save_ml_graph(intralayer_edges,interlayer_edges,layer_vec,filename=None): # if filename is None: # file=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # # # outdict={"interlayer_edges":interlayer_edges, # 'intralayer_edges':intralayer_edges, # 'layer_vec':layer_vec} # # with,'w') as fh: # pickle.dump(outdict,fh) # return file #returns the filehandle def _save_ml_graph(slice_layers,interslice_layer): """ We save the layers of the graph as graphml.gz files here :param slice_layers: :param interslice_layer: :param layer_vec: :return: """ filehandles=[] filenames=[] #interslice couplings will be last for layer in slice_layers+[interslice_layer]: #save each graph in it's own file handle fh=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb',suffix='.graphml.gz') layer.write_graphmlz( filehandles.append(fh) filenames.append( return filehandles,filenames def _get_sum_internal_edges_from_partobj_list(part_obj_list,weight='weight'): A=0 for part_obj in part_obj_list: A+=get_sum_internal_edges(part_obj,weight=weight) return A def _get_sum_expected_edges_from_partobj_list(part_obj_list,weight='weight'): P=0 for part_obj in part_obj_list: #This is the case where we have to split the intralayer adjacency into multiple #partition objects. P += get_expected_edges(part_obj,weight=weight) return P def _get_modularity_from_partobj_list(part_obj_list,resolution=None): finmod=0 for part_obj in part_obj_list: if resolution is None: finmod+=part_obj.quality() else: finmod+=part_obj.quality(resolution_parameter=resolution) return finmod def run_louvain_multilayer(intralayer_graph,interlayer_graph, layer_vec, weight='weight', resolution=1.0, omega=1.0,nruns=1): logging.debug('Shuffling node ids') t=time() mu=np.sum([weight])+interlayer_graph.ecount() use_RBCweighted = hasattr(louvain, 'RBConfigurationVertexPartitionWeightedLayers') outparts=[] for run in range(nruns): rand_perm = list(np.random.permutation(interlayer_graph.vcount())) # rand_perm = list(range(interlayer_graph.vcount())) rperm = rev_perm(rand_perm) interslice_layer_rand = interlayer_graph.permute_vertices(rand_perm) rlayer_vec=permute_vector(rand_perm,layer_vec) rintralayer_graph=intralayer_graph.permute_vertices(rand_perm) # if use_RBCweighted: rlayers = [intralayer_graph] # one layer representing all intralayer connections here else: rlayers = _create_multilayer_igraphs_from_super_adj_igraph(rintralayer_graph, layer_vec=rlayer_vec) logging.debug('time: {:.4f}'.format(time()-t)) t=time() #create the partition objects layer_partition_objs=[] logging.debug('creating partition objects') t=time() for i,layer in enumerate(rlayers): #these are the shuffled igraph slice objects try: res=resolution[i] except: res=resolution if use_RBCweighted: cpart=louvain.RBConfigurationVertexPartitionWeightedLayers(layer,layer_vec=rlayer_vec,weights=weight,resolution_parameter=res) else: #This creates individual VertexPartition for each layer. Much slower to optimize. cpart=louvain.RBConfigurationVertexPartition(layer,weights=weight,resolution_parameter=res) layer_partition_objs.append(cpart) coupling_partition=louvain.RBConfigurationVertexPartition(interslice_layer_rand, weights=weight,resolution_parameter=0) all_layer_partobjs=layer_partition_objs+[coupling_partition] optimiser=louvain.Optimiser() logging.debug('time: {:.4f}'.format(time()-t)) logging.debug('running optimiser') t=time() layer_weights=[1]*len(rlayers)+[omega] improvement=optimiser.optimise_partition_multiplex(all_layer_partobjs,layer_weights=layer_weights) #the membership for each of the partitions is tied together. finalpartition=permute_vector(rperm, all_layer_partobjs[0].membership) reversed_partobj=[] #go back and reverse the graphs associated with each of the partobj. this allows for properly calculating exp edges with partobj #This is not ideal. Could we just reverse the permutation? for layer in layer_partition_objs: if use_RBCweighted: reversed_partobj.append(louvain.RBConfigurationVertexPartitionWeightedLayers(graph=layer.graph.permute_vertices(rperm),initial_membership=finalpartition,weights=weight,layer_vec=layer_vec,resolution_parameter=layer.resolution_parameter)) else: reversed_partobj.append(louvain.RBConfigurationVertexPartition(graph=layer.graph.permute_vertices(rperm),initial_membership=finalpartition,weights=weight,resolution_parameter=layer.resolution_parameter)) coupling_partition_rev=louvain.RBConfigurationVertexPartition(graph=coupling_partition.graph.permute_vertices(rperm),initial_membership=finalpartition,weights=weight,resolution_parameter=0) #use only the intralayer part objs A=_get_sum_internal_edges_from_partobj_list(reversed_partobj,weight=weight) if use_RBCweighted: #should only one partobj here representing all layers P= get_expected_edges_ml(reversed_partobj[0], layer_vec=layer_vec, weight=weight) else: P=_get_sum_expected_edges_from_partobj_list(reversed_partobj,weight=weight) C=get_sum_internal_edges(coupling_partition_rev,weight=weight) outparts.append({'partition': np.array(finalpartition), 'resolution': resolution, 'coupling':omega, 'orig_mod': (.5/mu)*(_get_modularity_from_partobj_list(reversed_partobj)\ +omega*coupling_partition_rev.quality()), 'int_edges': A, 'exp_edges': P, 'int_inter_edges':C}) logging.debug('time: {:.4f}'.format(time()-t)) return outparts def _parallel_run_louvain_multimodularity(files_layervec_gamma_omega): logging.debug('running parallel') t=time() # graph_file_names,layer_vec,gamma,omega=files_layervec_gamma_omega np.random.seed() #reset seed in forked process # louvain.set_rng_seed(np.random.randint(2147483647)) #max value for unsigned long intralayer_graph,interlayer_graph,layer_vec,gamma,omega=files_layervec_gamma_omega partition=run_louvain_multilayer(intralayer_graph,interlayer_graph, layer_vec=layer_vec, resolution=gamma, omega=omega) logging.debug('time: {:.4f}'.format(time()-t)) return partition def parallel_multilayer_louvain(intralayer_edges,interlayer_edges,layer_vec, gamma_range,ngamma,omega_range,nomega,maxpt=None,numprocesses=2,progress=True, intra_directed=False,inter_directed=False): """ :param intralayer_edges: :param interlayer_edges: :param layer_vec: :param gamma_range: :param ngamma: :param omega_range: :param nomega: :param maxpt: :param numprocesses: :param progress: :param intra_directed: :param inter_directed: :return: """ logging.debug('creating graphs from edges') t=time() intralayer_graph,interlayer_graph=create_multilayer_igraph_from_edgelist( intralayer_edges=intralayer_edges, interlayer_edges=interlayer_edges, layer_vec=layer_vec,inter_directed=inter_directed, intra_directed=intra_directed) if not hasattr(louvain, 'RBConfigurationVertexPartitionWeightedLayers'): warnings.warn( "RBConfigurationVertexPartitionWeightedLayers not present in louvain package. Falling back on creating igraph for each layer. Note for networks with many layers this can result in considerable slowdown.") logging.debug('time {:.4f}'.format(time() - t)) # logging.debug('graph to file') # t = time() # fhandles, fnames = _save_ml_graph(slice_layers=[intralayer_graph], # interslice_layer=interlayer_graph) # logging.debug('time {:.4f}'.format(time() - t)) gammas=np.linspace(gamma_range[0],gamma_range[1],num=ngamma) omegas=np.linspace(omega_range[0],omega_range[1],num=nomega) args = itertools.product([intralayer_graph],[interlayer_graph], [layer_vec], gammas,omegas) tot=ngamma*nomega with terminating(Pool(numprocesses)) as pool: parts_list_of_list = [] if progress: with tqdm.tqdm(total=tot) as pbar: # parts_list_of_list=pool.imap(_parallel_run_louvain_multimodularity,args) for i,res in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(pool.imap(_parallel_run_louvain_multimodularity,args)),miniters=tot): # if i % 100==0: pbar.update() parts_list_of_list.append(res) else: for i, res in enumerate(pool.imap(_parallel_run_louvain_multimodularity, args)): parts_list_of_list.append(res) # parts_list_of_list=list(map(_parallel_run_louvain_multimodularity,args)) #testing without parallel. all_part_dicts=[pt for partrun in parts_list_of_list for pt in partrun] outensemble=PartitionEnsemble(graph=intralayer_graph,interlayer_graph=interlayer_graph, layer_vec=layer_vec, listofparts=all_part_dicts,maxpt=maxpt) return outensemble def parallel_multilayer_louvain_from_adj(intralayer_adj,interlayer_adj,layer_vec, gamma_range,ngamma,omega_range,nomega,maxpt=None,numprocesses=2,progress=True, intra_directed=False, inter_directed=False): """Call parallel multilayer louvain with adjacency matrices """ intralayer_edges=adjacency_to_edges(intralayer_adj) interlayer_edges=adjacency_to_edges(interlayer_adj) return parallel_multilayer_louvain(intralayer_edges=intralayer_edges,interlayer_edges=interlayer_edges, layer_vec=layer_vec,numprocesses=numprocesses,ngamma=ngamma,nomega=nomega, gamma_range=gamma_range,omega_range=omega_range,progress=progress,maxpt=maxpt, intra_directed=intra_directed,inter_directed=inter_directed) def main(): return if __name__=="__main__": sys.exit(main())