Source code for champ.champ_functions

from __future__ import absolute_import
from future.utils import iteritems,iterkeys
from future.utils import lmap

from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import defaultdict, Hashable
from contextlib import contextmanager
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import choice, uniform
from scipy.spatial import HalfspaceIntersection
from scipy.spatial.qhull import QhullError
from scipy.optimize import linprog
import warnings

def terminating(obj):
    Context manager to handle appropriate shutdown of processes
    :param obj: obj to open
        yield obj

[docs]def create_coefarray_from_partitions(partition_array, A_mat, P_mat, C_mat=None,nprocesses=0): ''' :param partition_array: Each row is one of M partitions of the network with N nodes. Community labels must be hashable. :param A_mat: Interlayer (single layer) adjacency matrix :param P_mat: Matrix representing null model of connectivity (i.e configuration model - :math:`\\frac{k_ik_j}{2m}` :param C_mat: Optional matrix representing interlayer connectivity :param nprocesses: Optional number of processes to use (0 or 1 for single core) :type nprocesses: int :return: size :math:`M\\times\\text{Dim}` array of coefficients for each partition. Dim can be 2 (single layer) \ or 3 (multilayer) ''' outarray = [] if nprocesses==0 or nprocesses==1: for partition in partition_array: curarray=[] curarray.append(calculate_coefficient(partition,A_mat)) curarray.append(calculate_coefficient(partition,P_mat)) if C_mat is not None: curarray.append(calculate_coefficient(partition,C_mat)) outarray.append(curarray) else: parallel_args=[] for partition in partition_array: parallel_args.append((partition, A_mat)) parallel_args.append((partition, P_mat)) if C_mat is not None: parallel_args.append((partition, C_mat)) #map preserves order with terminating(Pool(processes=nprocesses)) as pool:,parallel_args) outarray=np.array(parallel_res).reshape((3,len(parallel_res)/3)) return np.array(outarray)
def create_halfspaces_from_array(coef_array): ''' create a list of halfspaces from an array of coefficent. Each half space is defined by\ the inequality\: :math:`normal\\dot point + offset \\le 0` Where each row represents the coefficients for a particular partition. For single Layer network, omit C_i's. :return: list of halfspaces. ''' singlelayer = False if coef_array.shape[1] == 2: singlelayer = True cconsts = coef_array[:, 0] cgammas = coef_array[:, 1] if not singlelayer: comegas = coef_array[:, 2] if singlelayer: nvs = np.vstack((cgammas, np.ones(coef_array.shape[0]))) pts = np.vstack((np.zeros(coef_array.shape[0]), cconsts)) else: nvs = np.vstack((cgammas, -comegas, np.ones(coef_array.shape[0]))) pts = np.vstack((np.zeros(coef_array.shape[0]), np.zeros(coef_array.shape[0]), cconsts)) nvs = nvs / np.linalg.norm(nvs, axis=0) offs = np.sum(nvs * pts, axis=0) # dot product on each column # array of shape (number of halfspaces, dimension+1) # Each row represents a halfspace by [normal; offset] # I.e. Ax + b <= 0 is represented by [A; b] return np.vstack((-nvs,offs)).T def sort_points(points): '''For 2D case we sort the points along the gamma axis in assending order. \ For the 3D case we sort the points clockwise around the center of mass . :param points: :return: ''' if len(points[0])>2: #pts are 3D cent = (sum([p[0] for p in points]) / len(points), sum([p[1] for p in points]) / len(points)) points.sort(key=lambda x: np.arctan2(x[1] - cent[1], x[0] - cent[0])) else: points.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) #just sort along x-axis return points def get_interior_point(hs_list,num_bound): ''' Find interior point to calculate intersections :param hs_list: list of halfspaces :return: an approximation to the point most interior to the halfspace intersection polyhedron (Chebyshev center) if this computation succeeds. Otherwise, a point a small step towards the interior from the first plane in hs_list. ''' normals, offsets = np.split(hs_list, [-1], axis=1) # in our case, the last num_bound halfspaces are boundary halfspaces if num_bound>0: interior_hs, boundaries = np.split(hs_list, [-num_bound], axis=0) else: interior_hs=hs_list boundaries=None # randomly sample up to 50 of the halfspaces sample_len = min(50, len(interior_hs)) if num_bound>0: sampled_hs = np.vstack((interior_hs[choice(interior_hs.shape[0], sample_len, replace=False)], boundaries)) else: sampled_hs=interior_hs[choice(interior_hs.shape[0], sample_len, replace=False)] # compute the Chebyshev center of the sampled halfspaces' intersection norm_vector = np.reshape(np.linalg.norm(sampled_hs[:, :-1], axis=1), (sampled_hs.shape[0], 1)) c = np.zeros((sampled_hs.shape[1],)) c[-1] = -1 A = np.hstack((sampled_hs[:, :-1], norm_vector)) b = -sampled_hs[:, -1:] manual=False try: res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, bounds=None) # For some reason linprog raise error if fails on windows? if res.status == 0: intpt = res.x[:-1] # res.x contains [interior_point, distance to enclosing polyhedron] # ensure that the computed point is actually interior to all halfspaces if (, intpt) + np.transpose(offsets) < 0).all() and res.success: return intpt else: warnings.warn({1: "Interior point calculation: scipy.optimize.linprog exceeded iteration limit", 2: "Interior point calculation: scipy.optimize.linprog problem is infeasible. " "Fallback will fail.", 3: "Interior point calculation: scipy.optimize.linprog problem is unbounded"}[res.status], RuntimeWarning) except ValueError: pass warnings.warn("Interior point calculation: falling back to 'small step' approach.", RuntimeWarning) z_vals = [-1.0 * offset / normal[-1] for normal, offset in zip(normals, offsets) if np.abs(normal[-1]) > np.power(10.0, -15)] # take a small step into interior from 1st plane. dim = hs_list.shape[1] - 1 # hs_list has shape (number of halfspaces, dimension+1) intpt = np.array([0 for _ in range(dim - 1)] + [np.max(z_vals)]) internal_step = np.array([.000001 for _ in range(dim)]) return intpt + internal_step def calculate_coefficient(com_vec, adj_matrix): ''' For a given connection matrix and set of community labels, calculate the coeffcient for plane/line associated with that connectivity matrix :param com_vec: list or vector with community membership for each element of network ordered the same as the rows/col of adj_matrix :param adj_matrix: adjacency matrix for connections to calculate coefficients for (i.e. A_ij, P_ij, C_ij, etc..) ordered the same as com_vec :return: ''' com_inddict = {} allcoms = sorted(list(set(com_vec))) assert com_vec.shape[0] == adj_matrix.shape[0] sumA = 0 # store indices for each community together in dict for i, val in enumerate(com_vec): try: com_inddict[val] = com_inddict.get(val, []) + [i] except TypeError: raise TypeError ("Community labels must be hashable- isinstance(%s,Hashable): " %(str(val)),\ isinstance(val,Hashable)) # convert indices to np_array for k, val in iteritems(com_inddict): com_inddict[k] = np.array(val) for com in allcoms: cind = com_inddict[com] if cind.shape[0] == 1: # throws type error if try to index with scalar sumA += np.sum(adj_matrix[cind, cind]) else: sumA += np.sum(adj_matrix[np.ix_(cind, cind)]) return sumA def _calculate_coefficient_parallel(comvec_mat): ''' wrapper function for calc coefficient with single parameter for use with the \ multiprocessing map call :param comvec_mat: (community vector, adj_matrix :return: calculate_coefficient to get coeficient ''' com_vec,adj_matrix=comvec_mat return calculate_coefficient(com_vec,adj_matrix) def comp_points(pt1,pt2): ''' check for equality within certain tolerance :param pt1: :param pt2: :return: ''' for i in range(len(pt1)): if np.abs(pt1[i]-pt2[i])>np.power(10.0,-15): return False return True def point_comparator(pt1, pt2): assert len(pt1)==len(pt2),"dimension of points must match" origin=np.zeros(len(pt1)) assert len(pt1)==len(origin), "dimension of supplied origin must match points" v1=pt1-origin,v1) v2 = pt2 - origin d2 =, v2) if d1==d2 : return 0 elif d1>d2: return 1 elif d2<d1: return -1
[docs]def get_intersection(coef_array, max_pt=None): ''' Calculate the intersection of the halfspaces (planes) that form the convex hull :param coef_array: NxM array of M coefficients across each row representing N partitions :type coef_array: array :param max_pt: Upper bound for the domains (in the xy plane). This will restrict the convex hull \ to be within the specified range of gamma/omega (such as the range of parameters originally searched using Louvain). :type max_pt: (float,float) or float :return: dictionary mapping the index of the elements in the convex hull to the points defining the boundary of the domain ''' halfspaces = create_halfspaces_from_array(coef_array) num_input_halfspaces = len(halfspaces) singlelayer = False if halfspaces.shape[1] - 1 == 2: # 2D case, halfspaces.shape is (number of halfspaces, dimension+1) singlelayer = True # Create Boundary Halfspaces - These will always be included in the convex hull # and need to be removed before returning dictionary boundary_halfspaces = [] num_boundary=0 if not singlelayer: # origin boundaries boundary_halfspaces.extend([np.array([0, -1.0, 0, 0]), np.array([-1.0, 0, 0, 0])]) num_boundary+=2 if max_pt is not None: boundary_halfspaces.extend([np.array([0, 1.0, 0, -1.0 * max_pt[0]]), np.array([1.0, 0, 0, -1.0 * max_pt[1]])]) num_boundary+=2 else: boundary_halfspaces.extend([np.array([-1.0, 0, 0]), # y-axis np.array([0, -1.0, 0])]) # x-axis num_boundary += 2 if max_pt is not None: boundary_halfspaces.append(np.array([1.0, 0, -1.0 * max_pt])) num_boundary += 1 # We expect infinite vertices in the halfspace intersection, so we can ignore numpy's floating point warnings old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') halfspaces = np.vstack((halfspaces, ) + tuple(boundary_halfspaces)) if max_pt is None: if not singlelayer: # in this case, we will calculate max boundary planes later, so we'll impose x, y <= 10.0 # for the interior point calculation here. interior_pt = get_interior_point(np.vstack((halfspaces,) + (np.array([0, 1.0, 0, -10.0]), np.array([1.0, 0, 0, -10.0]))),num_bound=num_boundary) else: # similarly, in the 2D case, we impose x <= 10.0 for the interior point calculation interior_pt = get_interior_point(np.vstack((halfspaces,) + (np.array([1.0, 0, -10.0]),)),num_bound=num_boundary) else: interior_pt = get_interior_point(halfspaces,num_bound=num_boundary) # Find boundary intersection of half spaces joggled = False try: hs_inter = HalfspaceIntersection(halfspaces, interior_pt) except QhullError: warnings.warn("Qhull input might be sub-dimensional, attempting to fix...", RuntimeWarning) # move the offset of the the first two boundary halfspaces (x >= 0 and y >= 0) so that # the joggled intersections are not outside our boundaries. joggled = True halfspaces[num_input_halfspaces][-1] = -1e-5 halfspaces[num_input_halfspaces + 1][-1] = -1e-5 hs_inter = HalfspaceIntersection(halfspaces, interior_pt, qhull_options="QJ") non_inf_vert = np.array([v for v in hs_inter.intersections if np.isfinite(v).all()]) mx = np.max(non_inf_vert, axis=0) if joggled: # find largest (x,y) values of halfspace intersections and refuse to continue if too close to (0,0) max_xy_intersections = mx[:2] if max(max_xy_intersections) < 1e-2: raise ValueError("All intersections are less than ({:.3f},{:.3f}). " "Invalid input set, try setting max_pt.".format(*max_xy_intersections)) # max intersection on y-axis (x=0) implies there are no intersections in gamma direction. if np.abs(mx[0]) < np.power(10.0, -15) and np.abs(mx[1]) < np.power(10.0, -15): raise ValueError("Max intersection detected at (0,0). Invalid input set.") if np.abs(mx[1]) < np.power(10.0, -15): mx[1] = mx[0] if np.abs(mx[0]) < np.power(10.0, -15): mx[0] = mx[1] # At this point we include max boundary planes and recalculate the intersection # to correct inf points. We only do this for single layer if max_pt is None: if not singlelayer: boundary_halfspaces.extend([np.array([0, 1.0, 0, -1.0 * mx[1]]), np.array([1.0, 0, 0, -1.0 * mx[0]])]) halfspaces = np.vstack((halfspaces, ) + tuple(boundary_halfspaces[-2:])) if not singlelayer: # Find boundary intersection of half spaces interior_pt = get_interior_point(halfspaces,num_bound=0) hs_inter = HalfspaceIntersection(halfspaces, interior_pt) # revert numpy floating point warnings np.seterr(**old_settings) # scipy does not support facets by halfspace directly, so we must compute them facets_by_halfspace = defaultdict(list) for v, idx in zip(hs_inter.intersections, hs_inter.dual_facets): if np.isfinite(v).all(): for i in idx: facets_by_halfspace[i].append(v) ind_2_domain = {} dimension = 2 if singlelayer else 3 for i, vlist in facets_by_halfspace.items(): # Empty domains if len(vlist) == 0: continue # these are the boundary planes appended on end if not i < num_input_halfspaces: continue pts = sort_points(vlist) pt2rm = [] for j in range(len(pts) - 1): if comp_points(pts[j], pts[j + 1]): pt2rm.append(j) pt2rm.reverse() for j in pt2rm: pts.pop(j) if len(pts) >= dimension: # must be at least 2 pts in 2D, 3 pt in 3D, etc. ind_2_domain[i] = pts # use non-inf vertices to return return ind_2_domain
def _random_plane(): normal = np.array([uniform(-0.5, 0.5), uniform(-0.5, 0.5), -1]) normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal) min_offset = -min(0, normal[0], normal[1], normal[0] + normal[1]) max_offset = -max(normal[2], normal[2] + normal[0], normal[2] + normal[1], normal[2] + normal[0] + normal[1]) # the 0.25 and 0.75 factors here just force more intersections offset = uniform(0.75 * min_offset + 0.25 * max_offset, 0.25 * min_offset + 0.75 * max_offset) #Return a coefficient representation instead return np.array([normal[0],normal[1],-1*offset/normal[2]]) # return hs.Halfspace(normal, offset) def _random_line(): ''' generate a random line in gamma,Q plane :return: ''' # normal = np.array([uniform(.5, 2),-1]) # normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal) #just sample slope and intercept directly slope=uniform(1/5.0,5) inter=uniform(0,2) # offset=-1.0* # the 0.25 and 0.75 factors here just force more intersections # Return a coefficient representation instead return np.array([inter, slope]) def get_random_halfspaces(n=100,dim=3): '''Generate random halfspaces for testing :param n: number of halfspaces to return (default=100) ''' test_hs=[] for _ in range(n): if dim==3: test_hs.append(_random_plane()) elif dim==2: test_hs.append(_random_line()) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2D or 3D Random Halfspaces implemented") return np.array(test_hs) # return test_hs def PolyArea(pts): """Calculate the area of a set of pts (assumes that the points are sorted in \ order clockwise around exterior""" x=np.array([pt[0] for pt in pts]) y=np.array([pt[1] for pt in pts]) return 0.5*np.abs(,np.roll(y,1)),np.roll(x,1))) def min_dist_origin(pts,origin=None): """return the point that is closets to the origin (0,0,0 if none is supplied) """ if origin is None: origin=np.zeros(len(pts[0])) else: assert len(origin)==len(pts[0]) , "Origin supplied must be same dimension as points" min_ind=np.argmin([,pt-origin) for pt in pts ]) return pts[min_ind] def get_sum_internal_edges(partobj,weight=None): ''' Get the count(strength) of edges that are internal to community: :math:`\\hat{A}=\\sum_{ij}{A_{ij}\\delta(c_i,c_j)}` :param partobj: :type partobj: igraph.VertexClustering :param weight: True uses 'weight' attribute of edges :return: float ''' sumA=0 for subg in partobj.subgraphs(): if weight is not None: sumA+= np.sum([weight]) else: sumA+= subg.ecount() return (2.0-partobj.graph.is_directed())*sumA def get_number_of_communities(partition,min_com_size=0): ''' :param partition: list with community assignments (labels must be of hashable type \ e.g. int,string, etc...). :type partition: list :param min_com_size: Minimum size to include community in the total number of communities (default is 0) :type min_com_size: int :return: number of communities :rtype: int ''' count_dict={} for label in partition: count_dict[label]=count_dict.get(label,0)+1 tot_coms=0 for k,val in iteritems(count_dict): if val>=min_com_size: tot_coms+=1 return tot_coms def get_expected_edges(partobj,weight='weight',directed=False): ''' Get the expected internal edges under configuration models :math:`\\hat{P}=\\sum_{ij}{\\frac{k_ik_j}{2m}\\delta(c_i,c_j)}` :param partobj: :type partobj: igraph.VertexClustering :param weight: True uses 'weight' attribute of edges :return: float ''' if weight is None: m = float(partobj.graph.ecount()) else: try: m=np.sum([weight]) except: m=partobj.graph.ecount() # print(m) if m==0: return 0 kk=0 #Hashing this upfront is alot faster (factor of 10). partobj.graph.vs['_id']=range(partobj.graph.vcount()) indices = [ partobj.graph.vs['_id'][v.index] for v in partobj.graph.vs ] if weight==None: strengths=dict(zip(indices,partobj.graph.outdegree(indices))) if directed: strengths_in=dict(zip(indices,partobj.graph.indegree(indices))) else: strengths_in=strengths else: strengths=dict(zip(indices,partobj.graph.strength(indices,weights=weight,mode='OUT'))) if directed: strengths_in = dict(zip(indices, partobj.graph.strength(indices, weights=weight, mode='IN'))) else: strengths_in=strengths for subg in partobj.subgraphs(): # since node ordering on subgraph doesn't match main graph, get vert id's in original graph # verts=map(lambda x: int("(?<=n)\d+", x['id']).group()),subg.vs) #you have to get full weight from original graph # svec=partobj.graph.strength(verts,weights='weight') #i think is what is slow svec=np.array(lmap(lambda x :strengths[subg.vs['_id'][x.index]],subg.vs)) # svec=subg.strength(subg.vs,weights='weight') svec_in=np.array(lmap(lambda x :strengths_in[subg.vs['_id'][x.index]],subg.vs)) kk+=np.sum(np.outer(svec, svec_in)) if directed: return kk/(1.0*m) else: return kk/(2.0*m) def get_expected_edges_ml(part_obj,layer_vec,weight='weight'): """ Multilayer calculation of expected edges. Breaks up partition object \ by layer and calculated expected edges for each layer-subgraph seperately\ thus getting the relative weights correct :param part_obj: ig.VertexPartition with the appropriate graph and membership vector. :param layer_vec: array with length equaling number of nodes specifying which layer each node is in. :param weight: weight attribute on network :return: """ P_tot=0 layers=np.unique(layer_vec) for layer in layers: cind=np.where(layer_vec==layer)[0] subgraph=part_obj.graph.subgraph(cind) submem=np.array(part_obj.membership)[cind] cpartobj=ig.VertexClustering(graph=subgraph,membership=submem) P_tot += get_expected_edges(cpartobj,weight=weight,directed=subgraph.is_directed()) return P_tot