Source code for champ.champ_functions

import multiprocessing
from collections import Hashable

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from pyhull import halfspace as hs

[docs]def create_coefarray_from_partitions(partition_array, A_mat, P_mat, C_mat=None,nprocesses=0): ''' :param partition_array: Each row is one of M partitions of the network with N nodes. Community labels must be hashable. :param A_mat: Interlayer (single layer) adjacency matrix :param P_mat: Matrix representing null model of connectivity (i.e configuration model - :math:`\\frac{k_ik_j}{2m}` :param C_mat: Optional matrix representing interlayer connectivity :param nprocesses: Optional number of processes to use (0 or 1 for single core) :type nprocesses: int :return: size :math:`M\\times\\text{Dim}` array of coefficients for each partition. Dim can be 2 (single layer) \ or 3 (multilayer) ''' outarray = [] if nprocesses==0 or nprocesses==1: for partition in partition_array: curarray=[] curarray.append(calculate_coefficient(partition,A_mat)) curarray.append(calculate_coefficient(partition,P_mat)) curarray.append(calculate_coefficient(partition,C_mat)) outarray.append(curarray) else: pool=multiprocessing.Pool(nprocesses=nprocesses) parallel_args=[] for partition in partition_array: parallel_args.append((partition, A_mat)) parallel_args.append((partition, P_mat)) parallel_args.append((partition, C_mat)) #map preserves order,parallel_args) outarray=np.array(parallel_res).reshape((3,len(parallel_res)/3)) return np.array(outarray)
def create_halfspaces_from_array(coef_array): ''' :param coef_array: list of coefficients for each partition to be considered. Should be an array .. math: :nowrap: \begin{array} 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 2 & 2 & 2 \end{array} ] Where each row represents the coefficients for a particular partition. If Single Layer network, omit C_i's. :return: list of halfspaces with 4 boundary halfspaces appended to the end. ''' singlelayer=False if coef_array.shape[1]==2: singlelayer=True halfspaces=[] for i in np.arange(coef_array.shape[0]): cconst = coef_array[i, 0] cgamma = coef_array[i, 1] if not singlelayer: comega = coef_array[i, 2] if singlelayer: nv=np.array([cgamma, 1.0]) pt = np.array([0 , cconst]) else: nv=np.array([cgamma, -1 * comega, 1.0]) pt = np.array([0, 0, cconst]) nv = nv/np.linalg.norm(nv) off =, pt) halfspace = hs.Halfspace(-1.0 * nv, off) halfspaces.append(halfspace) return halfspaces def sort_points(points): ''' :param points: :return: ''' if len(points[0])>2: cent = (sum([p[0] for p in points]) / len(points), sum([p[1] for p in points]) / len(points)) points.sort(key=lambda (x): np.arctan2(x[1] - cent[1], x[0] - cent[0])) else: points.sort(key=lambda (x): x[0]) #just sort along x-axis return points def get_interior_point(hs_list): ''' Find interior point to calculate intersections :param hs_list: list of halfspaces :return: interior point of intersections at (0+.001,0+.001,max(A_ij)) the maximum modularity value of any of the partitions at 0,0 needed to calculate interior intersection. ''' z_vals=[ -1.0*hs.offset/hs.normal[-1] for hs in hs_list if np.abs(hs.normal[-1]-0)>np.power(10.0,-15)] #take a small step into interior from 1st plane. dim = hs_list[0].normal.shape[0] intpt=np.array([0 for _ in range(dim-1)]+[np.max(z_vals)]) internal_step=np.array([.000001 for _ in range(dim)]) return intpt+internal_step def calculate_coefficient(com_vec,adj_matrix): ''' For a given connection matrix and set of community labels, calculate the coeffcient for plane/line associated with that connectivity matrix :param com_vec: list or vector with community membership for each element of network ordered the same as the rows/col of adj_matrix :param adj_matrix: adjacency matrix for connections to calculate coefficients for (i.e. A_ij, P_ij, C_ij, etc..) ordered the same as com_vec :return: ''' com_inddict = {} allcoms = sorted(list(set(com_vec))) assert com_vec.shape[0] == adj_matrix.shape[0] sumA = 0 # store indices for each community together in dict for i, val in enumerate(com_vec): try: com_inddict[val] = com_inddict.get(val, []) + [i] except TypeError: raise TypeError ("Community labels must be hashable- isinstance(%s,Hashable): " %(str(val)),\ isinstance(val,Hashable)) # convert indices to np_array for k, val in com_inddict.items(): com_inddict[k] = np.array(val) for com in allcoms: cind = com_inddict[com] if cind.shape[0] == 1: # throws type error if try to index with scalar sumA += np.sum(adj_matrix[cind, cind]) else: sumA += np.sum(adj_matrix[np.ix_(cind, cind)]) return sumA def _calculate_coefficient_parallel(comvec_mat): ''' wrapper function for calc coefficient with single parameter for use with the \ multiprocessing map call :param comvec_mat: (community vector, adj_matrix :return: calculate_coefficient to get coeficient ''' com_vec,adj_matrix=comvec_mat return calculate_coefficient(com_vec,adj_matrix) def comp_points(pt1,pt2): ''' check for equality within certain tolerance :param pt1: :param pt2: :return: ''' for i in range(len(pt1)): if np.abs(pt1[i]-pt2[i])>np.power(10.0,-15): return False return True
[docs]def get_intersection(coef_array, max_pt=None): ''' Calculate the intersection of the halfspaces (planes) that form the convex hull :param coef_array: NxM array of M coefficients across each row representing N partitions :type coef_array: array :param max_pt: Upper bound for the domains (in the xy plane). This will restrict the convex hull \ to be within the specified range of gamma/omega (such as the range of parameters originally searched using Louvain). :type max_pt: (float,float) :return: dictionary mapping the index of the elements in the convex hull to the points defining the boundary of the domain ''' halfspaces=create_halfspaces_from_array(coef_array) interior_pt=get_interior_point(halfspaces) singlelayer=False if halfspaces[0].normal.shape[0]==2: singlelayer=True # Create Boundary Halfspaces - These will always be included in the convex hull # and need to be removed before returning num2rm=0 if not singlelayer: # origin boundaries halfspaces.extend([hs.Halfspace(normal=(0, -1.0, 0), offset=0), hs.Halfspace(normal=(-1.0, 0, 0), offset=0)]) num2rm +=2 if max_pt is not None: halfspaces.extend([hs.Halfspace(normal=(0, 1.0, 0), offset=-1.0 * max_pt[0]), hs.Halfspace(normal=(1.0, 0, 0), offset=-1 * max_pt[1])]) num2rm +=2 else: halfspaces.append(hs.Halfspace(normal=(-1,0), offset=0)) # y-axis halfspaces.append(hs.Halfspace(normal=(0,-1), offset=0)) # x-axis num2rm +=2 if max_pt is not None: halfspaces.append(hs.Halfspace(normal=(1.0, 0), offset=-1 * max_pt)) num2rm+=1 hs_inter = hs.HalfspaceIntersection(halfspaces, interior_pt) # Find boundary intersection of half spaces ind_2_domain = {} non_inf_vert = np.array([v for v in hs_inter.vertices if v[0] != np.inf]) mx = np.max(non_inf_vert,axis=0) #At this point we inlude max boundary planes and recalculate the intersection #to correct inf points if max_pt is None: if not singlelayer: halfspaces.extend([hs.Halfspace(normal=(0, 1.0, 0), offset=-1.0 * (mx[0])), hs.Halfspace(normal=(1.0, 0, 0), offset=-1.0* (mx[0]) )]) num2rm += 2 if not singlelayer: hs_inter = hs.HalfspaceIntersection(halfspaces, interior_pt) # Find boundary intersection of half spaces # assert not any([ coord==np.inf for v in hs_inter.vertices for coord in v ]) rep_verts = [v if v[0] != np.inf else mx for v in hs_inter.vertices] # rep_verts=hs_inter.vertices for i, vlist in enumerate(hs_inter.facets_by_halfspace): #Empty domains if len(vlist) == 0: continue # these are the boundary planes appended on end if not i < len(hs_inter.facets_by_halfspace) - num2rm : continue pts=sort_points([rep_verts[v] for v in vlist]) pt2rm=[] for j in range(len(pts)-1): if comp_points(pts[j],pts[j+1]): pt2rm.append(j) pt2rm.reverse() for j in pt2rm: pts.pop(j) if len(pts)>=len(rep_verts[0]): #must be at least 2 pts in 2D , 3 pt in 3D, etc. ind_2_domain[i]=pts #use non-inf vertices to return return ind_2_domain
def _random_plane(): normal = np.array([uniform(-0.5, 0.5), uniform(-0.5, 0.5), -1]) normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal) min_offset = -min(0, normal[0], normal[1], normal[0] + normal[1]) max_offset = -max(normal[2], normal[2] + normal[0], normal[2] + normal[1], normal[2] + normal[0] + normal[1]) # the 0.25 and 0.75 factors here just force more intersections offset = uniform(0.75 * min_offset + 0.25 * max_offset, 0.25 * min_offset + 0.75 * max_offset) #Return a coefficient representation instead return np.array([normal[0],normal[1],-1*offset/normal[2]]) # return hs.Halfspace(normal, offset) def _random_line(): ''' generate a random line in gamma,Q plane :return: ''' # normal = np.array([uniform(.5, 2),-1]) # normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal) #just sample slope and intercept directly slope=uniform(1/5.0,5) inter=uniform(0,2) # offset=-1.0* # the 0.25 and 0.75 factors here just force more intersections # Return a coefficient representation instead return np.array([inter, slope]) def get_random_halfspaces(n=100,dim=3): '''Generate random halfspaces for testing :param n: number of halfspaces to return (default=100) ''' test_hs=[] for _ in range(n): if dim==3: test_hs.append(_random_plane()) elif dim==2: test_hs.append(_random_line()) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2D or 3D Random Halfspaces implemented") return np.array(test_hs) # return test_hs